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It Is Written!

"There shall not be male or female barren among you." DT. 7:14

God is very clear in His Word. God is not a man that He should lie. Yet, so many Christian couple are faced with infertility challenges. Barrenness is no respecter of persons. It affects all races: White, Native American, Hispanic, African American, and Asian. Women are persecuted because of their inability to conceive a child in many lands. If it is your desire to have a child then take God at His word and believe the promises!

Many have miscarriage after miscarriage, like myself once I began to conceive. One thing I kept hold on was that God is no respecter of persons. If so and so could have a child, then I'm no different. I too can have all the promises fulfilled in my life. We simply must know what belongs to us as Covenant children. And we must know who we are in Jesus Christ.

Infertility has no place in a Blood bought child of God. It is by His stripes we have been healed and made whole. Many couples take having children for granted. We encourage couples to stand on the Word for their children. Whatever the enemy might try to come against them with, they can have a great full-term pregnancy and the fruit of their own womb.

As it’s stated in our brochure: 1 in 4 miscarry, 1 in 6 are barren. One third of the time it is the woman’s problem, one third of the time it is the man’s problem and the other third both have a part to play as to why they have not been able to conceive.

Much of the time the woman is led to believe it is just her and feelings such as guilt, condemnation and fear need to be come against. Husbands can be devastated and feel like they aren’t much of a man. These areas can lead to marriage problems if not dealt with the Word.

We had a minimum of 4 miscarriages along with various other complications prior to the birth of our two sons. We learned a few lessons along the way.

A couple, as all believers must keep the word in their hearts and in their mouths at all times. Not allowing doubt or unbelief to creep in by what doctors or well meaning family and friends may say.

The Lord has had me research areas in the natural as well as the scripture. As Pastor Kenneth Hagin always says, “When the Natural and the Supernatural come together, you have an explosive force for God!”

Couples may be walking the love walk yet abusing their physical bodies. In all the aspects of life we must not give the enemy anyplace. We must stay balanced and not allow our fleshly desires overcome the laws of nature or I should say the way God created our bodies to function with what He designed for our bodies to consume to operate correctly.

God’s grace and mercy is here for us. He will meet us wherever we are in our walk with Him. He is so faithful to those who call upon Him and do those things which He asks of us. We must learn the life of obedience. He loves us and wants us to have children. It is our covenant right as a child of God.

Our commitment to teach others is:

Knowing that God is a faithful, loving Father who does give us the desires of our heart.

We must separate ourselves unto holiness and to be a worshipper of God, seeking Him, not a child. When we seek first the kingdom and His ways, His desires, all things come to us. Because one of His desires is that we have children, as Abraham, to bring up our family in the things of God.

Friends and Grandparents as well need to hear the message. For too long we have been tearing down one another instead of encouraging. We hear too often someone else’s story which is full of defeat and they expect us to believe that that is how it is to be for us also. We can have more. We can be more. We can expect more. We just have to want what God wants for us. We just have to believe that God will do what He says He will do. We must believe that God’s Word is His will and dismiss any thought that says you cannot have a child of your own.

It is a faith journey and one that requires full preparation spirit, soul, and body.

I Timothy 2:15 "But women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety."

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart!" Proverbs 3:5  

Where we place our trust determines our outcome. Many have more faith in their unbelieving doctor and have forgotten to take God at His Word. The right doctor and the Word of God in your heart and on your lips in faith will produce results.

Start praising Him for He is the all sufficient one to meet your every need! Call upon Him in a humble heart. No good thing will He withhold to those who walk uprightly which entails walking in love. Faith works by love. God looks for those who's heart is full of love toward others.

Read I Cor 13 in the Amplified Version daily. Begin to call yourself a Joyful Mother of children NOW! Thank God for all His benefits.

Read Psalms 103. No matter what you have been told by doctors, God's Word is truth and must be the final authority. They have the facts, but He that promised is faithful to perform those things which we ask for in prayer. He is the God who is more than enough to meet your every need. Nothing is Impossible!

Rosemary Blom



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